Robot 22-23
This page describes the robot and the changes made during season of 2022-2023.
Zip file with all mechanical components available for download here.
Change log:
- Chipping Mechanism implemented
- Chipper plate implemented
- Mounting holes added to front assembly
- Kicker redesigned
- Solenoid mounts redesigned
- Extra holes added to bottom plate
- Improved stability of middle plate and top plate
The most notable change done to the robot is the addition of a chipper mechanism - it adds chipping capability and 3rd point of contact to the ball, allowing for new play and better control of the ball. The implementation of the chipper plate removes the possibility of the ball getting underneath the robot, which had previously happened and led to the front assembly falling out of the robot during the game. To accommodate that change, mounting holes have been added to the side panels of the front assembly.
To supply power to the newly implemented chipper, solenoid mounts had to be redesigned. This redesign ensured that both coils were structurally secured and placed in the optimal position to provide maximum impact power. Redesign of the solenoid mounts and kicker also got rid of the issue with rotation of the kicker inside the robot which had previously led to issues with the kicker breaking the front assembly during operation. Extra holes had to be added to the bottom plate to provide mounting points for the solenoid mounts.
The middle plate and top plate had been improved - The increased thickness of both plates provided more rigidity to the construction of the robot, made assembly easier and decreased the noise in the IMU.
All changes above increased structural stability and decreased the failure rate of the mechanical elements of the robot.
A detailed list of all components in the robot can be found here.
The modular design remains unchanged from previous year and follows: