Welcome to the RTT Mechanics Wiki!
The mechanics sub-team is an important part of RoboTeam Twente since it is responsible for maintaining all the robots and making sure that they work properly for games and events. The mechanics substeam is also responsible for redesigning parts of the robots in order to improve their performance in the games.
In the mechanics wiki, you will find information about the different versions of the robots that were made over the years in the Robot Overview section. Then, in the Design Rationale section, the design process of every part that was redesigned will be explained. This includes the final designs that were chosen, but also the iterations before that along with the reasons why they had to be changed. After that, the 3D Printer section will provide information about how to calibrate and use the 3D printers, and more importantly how to fix them when something goes wrong. Finally, the Tips & Tricks section will give you several tips and tricks you should know when working as a mechanics for RoboTeam Twente.