RoboTeam Twente Wiki

Welcome to the RoboTeam Twente Wiki! This wiki is a hub filled with all information related to the robot used in the Small Size League of the RoboCup. Because we believe in the opensource focus of the RoboCup, we find it important to also release as much technical details that we can concerning our robots. For this we have released our current and previous designs and update them regularly to make it as easy as possible for aspiring teams to join the RoboCup. We are also open for any questions regarding our designs through the SSL Discord server.

The robots of RoboTeam Twente are 15 cm high and have a diameter of 18 cm. On the top of the robot is the cap with brightly colored dots, unique to every robot. These are there for the camera’s and software to recognize where the robot is on the field. Below the cap, there is the electronics, which make sure that the robot can receive signals from the computer and that all motors are controlled, among others. The battery, the large grey box, is essential for the robot to work and provides all the power it needs.

In the bottom of the robot, we find the components for driving and ball handling. In the front, we have a rotating bar, which is called the dribbler, which enables the robots to drive with the ball. Below this, we find the kicker, which kicks the ball straight over the floor, and the chipper, that scoops the ball through the air. The omnidirectional wheels can all be steered independently of each other, which enables the robot to drive in all directions. This saves space and is really fast, which is very beneficial during the games!

Apart from being competitive, the RoboCup also aims to advance the progress in robotics. To reach this goal, all teams share their technological improvements to aid other teams in their design choices. This page contains an overview of our Team Description Papers, where we explain our designs. Furthermore, some innovations are highlighted here.

All the detailed information about how our robots work and the reasoning behind the design decisions are divided over five subjects.

In the Mechanics wiki, you will find detailed information about the newest generation robot, including a STEP file with the complete design. The Design rationale can be found as well. Apart from that the previous generations can also be found.

In the Electronics wiki, you can find all the detailed information about the PCBs that are features within our robots, including schematics and detailed datasheets.

On the Software part of the wiki you will find all the theory and reasoning behind the structure and implementation of the code for our AI. Our codebase is fully open source and can be found on Github. In the code you can find some additional documentation that is related to specific parts of code. We also created a GitHub Pages that shows this code related documentation more comprehensively. More in depth details on design decisions can be found on the Code structure page or at Path planning and tracking

On the Embedded Systems part of the wiki you can find documentation about the code on the robot and the basestation.

In the Control wiki, you can find our design for both our state estimation and state control loops. These are backed by technical details and theory. Here and there we immediately point out ideas that are applicable to SSL robots in general and detailed explanations are given.

For a quick overview of the main components there is a page containing all datasheets.