Middle Plate

The middle plate has undergone some changes due to several reasons. First of all, the new design of the motor mounts required a redesign of the holes for the wheels in the middle plate. Since not all motors are located on the same position on the motor mounts, the motor pcb's and the connectors are located at different heights. The motors of the front wheels are positioned lower than the motors of the back wheels. For this reason, the two holes for the front wheels are bigger than the ones for the back wheels, as can be seen in the figure of the first redesign. Screw holes were added next to the holes for the wheels. These screw holes rest on top of the motor mounts and screws can be put through the middle plate into the motor mounts. These screw holes were not present in the old middle plate design since the middle plate did not rest directly on the motor mounts. Also, two screw holes were added at the back of the plate. These holes are for the stand-offs that connect the middle plate to the top plate.

In the final redesign, extra screw holes have been added to fix the middle plate to the motor mounts. Secondly, the motor of the right front wheel needed to be rotated slightly with the consequence that hole for that wheels needed to be adjusted. This resulted in one big hole for the right front and back wheel. The holes for the solenoids were removed since the new solenoids fit completely under the middle plate. Though, another rectangular hole was added for the cable that goes from the dribbler pcb to the power board. Furthermore, two extra holes have been added at the back of the plate. These holes are for the spacers that support the kicker/chipper board. The newest middle plate is also equipped with a support for the big capacitor on the kicker/chipper board.

 First redesign of the 21-22 middle plate  Final redesign of the 21-22 middle plate