Front Assembly

The main recommendation the 20-21 mechanics team had for us was to improve the front assembly, and more specifically its damping behavior since the robots struggled to catch the ball and the damping behavior was different for each robot. Also, the redesign of the front assembly needs to take modularity into account. Therefore, this year we worked on making a modular front assembly with good, reliable and consistent damping for each robot.

Damping Test

At the beginning of the year, the damping behavior of the 20-21 robots was tested in order to see how well it performed and to be able to compare it to future designs of the front assembly's damping. The results of these tests can be found here (the sponge damping front assemblies are written in black, any other color is one of the future designs). The conclusions which were drawn gave us a list of requirements for the design of the new front assembly:


Before any concrete design, it is useful to analyze some general techniques and designs that might be applicable for the front assembly. Furthermore, the design is limited to certain dimensions due to the presence of certain parts such as the motors and the middle plate. The conceptualization will consist of several solutions for sub-problems that will correspond to the requirements stated above. First, the available design space will be described as well as the way in which we created more space for the front assembly. Then, the different conceptual designs of the assembly will be discussed. Finally, a morphological diagram will be shown along with the final design choices made based on this diagram.

Design Iterations

This section will explain in detail the design of the new front assembly based on the choices made in the conceptualization section. It is expected that the first couple of iterations will need some modifications once their prototypes have been tested. Therefore, the different iterations until the final one will be described here, along with why certain design choices did not work and how the problems encountered were fixed in order to end up with the final design.