This year RoboTeam switched from paper to PETG shirts. This is because they are stronger than the paper ones. Also, the old shirts had some issues over time that certain parts are folded that should be straight, were this should be fixed with the new shirt. This year a sticker is put around the PETG shirt, to be able to have a number and a name on our robot. Also this sticker will help in the strength of the shirt.
As shown in the picture, there are now purple rounds in the shirt which is not the case in the real design. This is done for clarification and is normally black. At this place, the color identification pattern will be placed. The color identification plate can be removed and the papers can easily be taped using double-sided tape. In the STL file below there is a slot visible for the team color spot. This slot will help in easily changing the team color. Also, will this save us from making twjce the amount of shirts as this was the case with the previous design and will help switch team colors faster. This slot was inspired by the shirt of Team Tigers Mannheim.