1st Module: figure out how the robots work; what are strengths and weaknesses of the robots; what do you want to work on this year.
2nd Module: focus on the part(s) that you want to improve this year. Try to have a working prototype ready at the end of this module (you also want to be able to show something new during the design presentation which is somewhere during the second module, it was at the beginning of december for us so might be the same for you). Keep in mind that you should already look at companies that could potentially help you if you are not going to manufacture the components yourself.
3rd Module: manufacture all new components and assemble all robots. Take into account that this will take more time than expected. Make sure you have some play to make changes to your design since it is very likely that it won’t all fit together on the first try.
4th Module: Ideally, all robots should be assembled and working before the module starts to give the software teams sufficient time to do physical testing with the new robots and to tune PID’s etc. During physical testing you will find out which parts are most fragile and break most easily. If possible you could try to improve these components. Otherwise, you can make sure you have enough spare parts for the Robocup during this module.